EXPERTISE | Events | Venue | Life at Constellar

Constellar convenes businesses, curates ideas and creates opportunities for sustainable business growth.

Why BuildTech Asia?


BuildTech Asia (BTA) brings together all Built Environment Professionals to a single event that offers excellent networking opportunities for businesses to enhance their visibility, showcase their products, and network with decision makers.

Focusing on SMART Building & Construction, Digital Solutions, Integrated Facilities Management, Innovative Materials & finishing, and Sustainability, BuildTech Asia provides insight, knowledge, and solutions, as well as the opportunity for attendees to source for the latest products in one place.

Bringing together over 10,000 built environment professionals from across the region, this event is a must-attend to catch the buzz of industry happenings, interact face-to-face with your customers, reach out to new markets, and build new partnerships that will drive your business forward.

Why Exhibit?

Meet Global Decision Makers and Prospective Buyers at Buildtech Asia!

Visitor Profile

Past Testimonials

  • Companies in Asia identify and understand the values and benefits of the industrial transformation roadmap that will shape the future of the building and construction industry
  • They learn where to start, how to scale and improve on their sustained effort
  • The event platform is recognized as an annual marque event essential for their business transformation, growth and fostering of new partnerships




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